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Every business needs a website. Even if you are only selling in-store, it helps to have a web presence. A website reassures customers that you are a legitimate business, informs them on things like opening times and payment option, and provides contact information, as well as much more besides.

Yet, not all web hosting is alike. Some offer Cloud hosting while others offer dedicated servers; some provide functionality for application installations, while others build everything from scratch; and each will offer different bandwidths, storage and SLAs.

Finding the right web hosting solution for your business helps keep costs down while ensuring that your website runs smoothly. There’s no point paying for unused bandwidth, yet seasonal spikes could overload your website and lead to lost revenue.


Our team of web experts work with you to uncover your actual needs and understand how they may change over time and through different seasons. We can then match your needs with a web hosting package that offers exactly what you need and none of what you don’t.

We will take care of all the back-end work, installing the required applications, such as WordPress or Concrete, ensuring you have the right bandwidth at the right time, and providing you with a guaranteed SLA for peace of mind.

You will receive cPanel login for ongoing management, along with mailboxes set up and ready to go. We can even register your domain for you and complete your domain name server (DNS) fields. We will then monitor your site for uptime issues, proactively identifying and fixing issues before they become problems.

Whatever you aim to achieve with your website, get in touch with Thread today to see how we can help.

Rock On


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